You may be thinking, yes it does have a purpose, to be thrown in the bin! There are many things in this world that have absolutely no purpose and until recently we would have included dryer lint on this list. But not anymore! There’s actually several uses for this laundry leftover that can be used in your everyday life. Here we’ve compiled a list of five different ways to reuse dryer lint along with a few more suggestions.


#1 Fire Starter

This is Ireland after all and you never know how soon we’ll need to start lighting fires again. You could either spend a good 20 minutes lighting newspaper scraps with a lighter or go out to the shop to spend money on fire lighters, but what about dryer lint? Dryer lint is extremely flammable. It is the culprit of many household fires in the country every year. Bad for your dryer but great for your fireplace! Collect it after every load of washing, let it dry out and there you go! A free recycled fire lighter ready to use.


#2 Gardening

Keep the chill off your plants by using lint as a mulch (great for composting too). Or use it to set seeds inside your home; grab empty toilet paper rolls, fold in the bottom and add dryer lint with seeds to create a biodegradable seed starter. Make sure you are using natural detergents/softeners so that your lint does not contain harmful chemicals. This could also be something fun and educational to do with your children!


#3 Art  

Forget about clay, yes we’re serious. Dryer Lint can be turned into art. Set your stove to low heat and put your lint in a pot with 2 cups of water, 1 cup of flour and a little bit of vegetable oil.  Stir it for about 10 minutes until everything is well blended. Remove your newly created slop from the pot and place it on wax paper. Wait until it cools then get to molding. Your clay lint sculpture will harden in about a week. Now you will have a unique conversation piece to display on your mantle!


#4 Cleaning

Don’t reach for a paper towel when the next spill occurs. Instead soak it up with your saved lint. Keep an old coffee container with your lint under your sink for easy access or in the garage for quick clean up when changing your oil.


#5 Pets

If you are a pet owner of the rodent-variety (hamsters, gerbils, rats etc.) save up your dryer lint and use it as bedding. It’s free which beats spending money on commercial products. Dog owners can use it too as stuffing for a bed. Take an old blanket/comforter and fold it in half. Sew around the sides leaving an opening to fill with your dryer lint. Stuff your dryer lint through the opening then sew it shut. Viola! Instant dog bed. Once again, be aware of what detergents you use as they could be harmful to your pets. Check the small print.


Other Uses

  • Stuffing
  • Insulation
  • Felt
  • Candle Wicks
  • Packaging